27155 Oil Filter
FEBI 27155 Oil Filter
Category | Engine / Filter / Oil Filter |
Brand | Alfa Romeo | Dacia | Deutz AG (Motoren) | Deutz-Fahr | GM/Opel Zeichnungsnr. | JCB Landpower | Jeep | Lada | Lancia | Linde | Mahindra | Mazda | Mitsubishi | Nissan | Opel | Renault Car | Suzuki | Vauxhall |
Cross-references | 02/961170 | 09110718 | 09111019 | | 105.2175.136 | 1285 0312 | 15208-00Q0H | 15208-00Q0J | 15208-00QAB | 15208-00QAC | 15208-BN700 | 15213-00Q0F | 16510-67JG1 | 16510-84A10 | 16510-84A12 | 16510-84CT0 | 16510-84CT0-2ND | 16510-85CT0 | 44 02 718 | 44 03 019 | 44 49 274 | 53002656 | 60 01 002 028 | 60 01 543 357 | 60 01 545 344 | 7 700 873 583 | 73500506 | 77 00 073 302 | 77 00 107 905 | 77 00 110 796 | 77 00 272 523 | 77 00 272 902 | 77 00 272 903 | 77 00 272 982 | 77 00 274 177 | 77 00 676 302 | 77 00 695 801 | 77 00 695 804 | 77 00 727 401 | 77 00 727 478 | 77 00 727 479 | 77 00 727 480 | 77 00 727 482 | 77 00 728 310 | 77 00 730 077 | 77 00 734 945 | 77 00 734 957 | 77 00 735 917 | 77 00 737 991 | 77 00 744 879 | 77 00 745 708 | 77 00 748 326 | 77 00 749 326 | 77 00 854 776 | 77 00 854 852 | 77 00 855 853 | 77 00 856 114 | 77 00 866 099 | 77 00 869 390 | 77 00 871 919 | 77 00 873 583 | 77 00 873 603 | 77 01 043 377 | 77 01 056 188 | 77 01 349 452 | 77 01 349 725 | 77 01 727 480 | 77 02 144 083 | 77 08 715 147 | 77 11 945 906 | 77002-74177 | 7700274177 | 7700734957 | 82 00 033 408 | 82 00 513 035 | 82 00 768 913 | 82 00 867 976 | 8200867976 | 83501901 | 86 71 002 273 | 86 71 002 274 | 86 71 014 020 | 86 71 014 026 | 8671002274 | 89 33 004 195 | 89 83 501 900 | 89 83 601 900 | 93198598 | AM15-14-302 | M851139 | M852065 | M883804 | T0676302 | T0730077 | T1349452 | 02/961170 | 09110718 | 09111019 | | 105.2175.136 | 12850312 | 15208-00Q0H | 15208-00Q0J | 15208-00QAB | 15208-00QAC | 15208-BN700 | 15213-00Q0F | 16510-67JG1 | 16510-84A10 | 16510-84A12 | 16510-84CT0 | 16510-84CT0-2ND | 16510-85CT0 | 4402718 | 4403019 | 4449274 | 53002656 | 6001002028 | 6001543357 | 6001545344 | 7700873583 | 73500506 | 7700073302 | 7700107905 | 7700110796 | 7700272523 | 7700272902 | 7700272903 | 7700272982 | 7700274177 | 7700676302 | 7700695801 | 7700695804 | 7700727401 | 7700727478 | 7700727479 | 7700727480 | 7700727482 | 7700728310 | 7700730077 | 7700734945 | 7700734957 | 7700735917 | 7700737991 | 7700744879 | 7700745708 | 7700748326 | 7700749326 | 7700854776 | 7700854852 | 7700855853 | 7700856114 | 7700866099 | 7700869390 | 7700871919 | 7700873583 | 7700873603 | 7701043377 | 7701056188 | 7701349452 | 7701349725 | 7701727480 | 7702144083 | 7708715147 | 7711945906 | 77002-74177 | 7700274177 | 7700734957 | 8200033408 | 8200513035 | 8200768913 | 8200867976 | 8200867976 | 83501901 | 8671002273 | 8671002274 | 8671014020 | 8671014026 | 8671002274 | 8933004195 | 8983501900 | 8983601900 | 93198598 | AM15-14-302 | M851139 | M852065 | M883804 | T0676302 | T0730077 | T1349452 |
For an internal combustion engine, engine oil is essential.
In addition to lubricating moving parts, it also prevents corrosion, cools the heated parts, and keeps the engine clean.
The importance of the oil filter is increased by the lengthening of oil change intervals. The engine oil must be filtered as thoroughly as possible to remove the residues produced by the internal combustion engine, such as soot and other dirt particles. Otherwise, they can contaminate the engine's bearings, such as those on the crankshaft or camshaft, and lessen the oil's ability to lubricate the engine.
High-quality oil filters should be highly valued in order to support a lengthy engine service life. Only then does the engine continue to run "smoothly" and cleanly until the subsequent oil change.
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