28952 Auxiliary Belt
FEBI 28952 Auxiliary Belt
Category | Engine / Belt Drive / Auxiliary Belt |
Brand | BMW | Ford Car | Ford Motor Company | Ford US | Porsche | Renault Car | Universell verwendbar Agrar | VW | Volvo Car |
Cross-references | 03L 903 137 AC | 03L 903 137 H | 03L 903 137 L | 1 686 231 | 1 700 744 | 1 760 373 | 11 28 1 427 250 | 11 28 1 437 368 | 11 28 1 437 929 | 11 28 1 703 561 | 11 28 1 726 689 | 11 28 7 512 970 | 11 28 7 516 181 | 11 28 7 529 738 | 11 28 7 544 786 | 31330157 | 3416338 | 3417142 | 3434934 | 3454405 | 3473198 | 7 008 652 | 77 00 271 648 | 9180701 | 948F6C301DA | 999 192 356 50 | 999 192 365 50 | BM5Q-6C301-DA | 03L903137AC | 03L903137H | 03L903137L | 1686231 | 1700744 | 1760373 | 11281427250 | 11281437368 | 11281437929 | 11281703561 | 11281726689 | 11287512970 | 11287516181 | 11287529738 | 11287544786 | 31330157 | 3416338 | 3417142 | 3434934 | 3454405 | 3473198 | 7008652 | 7700271648 | 9180701 | 948F6C301DA | 99919235650 | 99919236550 | BM5Q-6C301-DA |
The maintenance and repair requirements increase as components and systems become more sophisticated. The front and back of the auxiliary belt drive the secondary drive aggregates, which are frequently grouped in a small area. The requirements of the vehicle manufacturer must be followed at all repairs, not just because of the multi-layered construction.
Regular inspections should include checking the auxiliary belt as well as maintaining all surrounding components. Constant consideration must be given to parts such as tensioning units, alternator overrun pulleys, and pulleys.
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